Wednesday, 28 January 2009

My first attempt !

When those tiny little thoughts start clustering in your even tinier brain, its tine...oopss...its time to WRITE!!! I get these urges very often and every time, my tiny little blue Reynolds would do me tiny favors ! But I realised that this is good too ! To each his tiny charm ! These days, I am forced to think tiny ! I see tiny everywhere, in books, in hands, in colours, in songs, in those wide eyes, in those illegible letters ! The tiny ones have taken me back to me when I was tiny ! I wished I had a tiny elephant's memory too ! It would have been quite a nice thing to recolect stuff ! Well...the first post dedicated to the this tiny and thankfully untouched world, should obligatorarily be....need I say...TINY!! :D


  1. Ok..1st one being TINY... allowed ! But next time something bigger ! Woohoo ! Waiting to read more :)

  2. That was a real tiny blog! Good that you finally accepted, ur brain is a tiny one.. Next time onwards, dont argue, always just listen to what we are saying... :P
    Btw, Now I am eagerly waiting for Tiny's next 1... :)

  3. A nice one to start buddy!
    they say, God is in the detail. but detail is made up of those tiny things.
    And these tiny memories have an immense power of easing the pain in even the most morbid situations!
    keep writing!

  4. such a charmin little blog!giv in 2 writin!it's a relaxation!hwever tiny :)
