Sunday, 1 February 2009

Small spaces !

No ! Its not a continuation to the tiny text ! Its about spaces. Which a lot of people talk about ! Which a lot of people crave for and which becomes a reason for a lot of disputes ! I used to talk about it a lot too ! Yes, the space is important but here, on a foreign land is where I realised that it’s the inner space which matters much more than the materialistic and the literal space ! I had never thought of sharing as little a space as is required to maybe just move around, with a complete stranger ! We started with “Lets give it a shot !” and we did! We have come to vodka shots and falling around and doing the craziest things ever and its already 4 months down ! I did not realise ! In retrospect, I think that the need for space becomes a problem when you let it ! I managed to find a lot of this newly discovered inner space and it was such a ride ! I felt contended and I was happy to be able to make the most of this stay with somebody who is not exactly the way I am and who thinks quite differently from the way I do ! Neither of us had ever shared our so-called space with anybody else before, at least not to the extent of getting used to it and, here we never miss it !

So this little space has seen us howl like mad-heads, talk into the wee hours when the apples were waiting for us for a class the next morning, some crazy falls (in)sane states, innumerable attempts to wake somebody up every morning when I leave (I feel such a failure till date :P), empty coffee cups, dust, wine, sleep, sleeptalk, more coffee cups and nonsensical talks, some Govinda songs, never-ending itineraries, crazy choreography sessions, some more sleep, classes and their preparations, discussions on the most off-hand topics ever, some ramp walks in not so appropriate clothes ever, things getting lost (they do the worst and the most often, in the crampiest places ever), some lights on and people trying to sleep, some pull-eachother-out-of-the-bed sessions cos we are eternally late, some concocting of names (which are too personal for this blog and simply because I want to save myself a beating), some tasty tarts, wine, cheese, giggles, more sleep, bag packing sessions and bag opening sessions (this took longer, naturally), some windy sessions, loud talks over the laptop, some videos shot, saved and re-re-re-re-re watched, some more people coming in and wonders of wonder !! – 4 people on 2 bunkbeds !! whoaaa we need a legion d’honneur !, hiccups, burps, sneezes and noises……..i can go on and on

I guess I will wait for the next half of the stay to get over ! A continuation to this one is due !!! Soon to come…..


  1. Yup, so many things we learn and are learning. About ourselves, about others and about things than maybe not even required! And yep, tiny spaces, been part of the 4 in 2 bunk beds group ! HOW did we manage? i still hunt for a clue ! Here is kudos to all that u are learning here and the fun that seems to be galore :)

  2. Nice yaar.. you r already a veteran at expressing!
    Inner space..yes, it is the space that truely matters. our own created comfort zones. its lucky to get a roomie who shares it without causing unease!
    well written..lookin forward for the sequel
